WEATHER UPDATE FOR FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21: Due to weather conditions, Portfolio Day has been canceled for today, Friday, February 21. For the most current updates and information, please call our weather hotline at 303.805.3289.

Patron Code of Conduct

The Town of Parker is committed to maintaining a friendly, hometown atmosphere in all facilities, parks, trails and open spaces. The mission of the Town of Parker in establishing this Code is to provide and maintain a safe environment where people can participate and play based on the principles of respect, restraint, and responsibility.

Code of Conduct

Patrons agree to abide by this Code of Conduct from the time they access Town of Parker facilities/open spaces and to comply with the following standards of civil behavior at all times while on the premises of any Town facility and/or while participating in Town programs:

  • Demonstrate respect, regardless of individual opinion, for ethnicity, gender, race, sexuality, age, disability, or religion
  • Cooperate with law enforcement or other Town officials to protect targets of offensive or inappropriate behavior
  • Exhibit care and concern for the safety and well being of fellow citizens and exhibit a sense of community goodwill and citizenship
  • Express and practice civil behaviors that exemplify respect, restraint and responsibility

Inappropriate Behaviors

The following inappropriate behaviors may result in voluntary or involuntary loss of access and/or use of a Town facility/area, temporarily or indefinitely:

  • Abuse, harassment, harassing behavior, or threatening others or any conduct that could be perceived or construed of as threatening or intimidating behavior including loud, abusive, threatening, or insulting language or gestures
  • Engaging in any activity or behavior prohibited by law, Town policy, or facility rule
  • Disruptive or unsafe behavior, including any conduct that interferes with use or enjoyment of facility by other patrons, or with the functioning of staff, Town agents, or volunteers
  • Patrons under 12 years old require adult supervision on Town property
  • Activities or behaviors that result in injury or harm to any patron, volunteer or staff
  • Improper use of facility restrooms; in addition to those activities prohibited by law, restrooms may not be used for personal bathing, as laundry facilities, or for sleeping purposes
  • Activities or behaviors that result in damage to the facility, equipment, and/or property of a patron
  • Soliciting the sale of any merchandise or services without prior consent of staff
  • Disruptive, defiant, or nefarious activities including viewing of pornographic materials
  • Lingering or loitering in a facility for protracted periods without a purpose
  • Use and/or sale of drugs, drug paraphernalia, tobacco, tobacco products or alcohol

Violation Remedies

The Town of Parker reserves the following rights to remedy violations of the Code of Conduct:

  • Town and its staff, volunteers, or Public Safety personnel may deny access to any person or group of persons it reasonably believes is violating or presents too great a risk of violating the spirit of the Code of Conduct
  • Town staff, volunteers, or Public Safety personnel may ask patrons exhibiting inappropriate behavior to modify their behavior or to voluntarily leave the facility/area immediately
  • Non-compliance with the Code may result in patron or group of patrons being required to involuntarily leave the facility, and may result in arrest and prosecution, and/or denial of access to facility/area for a prescribed period of time or indefinitely