Alternative Facts:
Janice Hathaway

Janice Hathaway

Alternative Facts: Photography by Any Means
Artist Statement, 2021

Janice Hathaway began her career as a stone lithographer and photographer and evolved those traditional techniques into a fully digital approach: transmography, an expansion of contemporary surrealist printmaking, photography, photo-collage, and digital media.

Janice coined the term, transmorgraphy, for her surrealist process that involves using Photoshop to transform her images by digitally cutting, blending, warping, painting, and incorporating adjustment layers to achieve a believable space that cannot be real. Guided by beauty and desire, Janice connects digital virtual space with Renaissance Old Master compositions and lighting to create a strong interplay between plausible and implausible, in which she asks viewers to suspend belief.

Influenced early by Magritte’s “object lessons” and his combination of everyday elements with poetic images, Janice embraces his simplicity and directness as suspended moments in her work when unexpected situations occur. She also embraces Man Ray’s approach and development of new techniques, such as Rayographs and solarizations and uses his inspiration as she explores 3D space using digital z space to give virtual depth to imaginary situations.

Janice is a participant in the contemporary international Surrealist movement, and a founding member of the Alabama Surrealist group, Fresh Dirt. She is featured in the books, Pataphysics and Surrealism in Alabama, The International Encyclopedia of Surrealism, and appeared in Icepick to the Moon, a film about the early Alabama group Raudelunas, in 2018. Her work was featured in the exhibition Masters of Surrealism: Picasso, Dalí and Miró; Janice Hathaway Surrealists Works, Peninsula Fine Arts Center PFAC, Newport News, VA.

On display March 1 – April 12, 2021 at the PACE Center Art Gallery:

Photograph by Janice Hathaway

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