Alternative Facts:
Allan Teger

Allan Teger

Alternative Facts: Photography by Any Means
Artist Statement, 2021

My art grows out of my study and teaching of spirituality and the psychology of consciousness. I have a Ph.D. in psychology and was on the faculty at the Univ. of Pa. and Boston Univ. before leaving academics in 1981 to pursue a full-time career in art.

The artist, like the shaman, walks the fine line between the sacred and profane; between the conscious and the unconscious. These images speak to the subjectivity of our perceptions. It reminds the viewer that our perceptions are the result of choice and that our reality is created by our consciousness.

Bodyscapes are not produced with photoshop. Rather, small toys and miniatures are placed on the body and photographed together in a single exposure. They have been the subject of two books and have appeared in publications in over 25 countries.

On display March 1 – April 12, 2021 at the PACE Center Art Gallery:

Photograph by Allan Teger

Photograph by Allan Teger

Photograph by Allan Teger

Photograph by Allan Teger


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